Friday, June 17, 2016

Traditions in Africa

Traditional African woman

  1. Spiritual power
  • woman were often in charge of the spiritual figures
  • also responsible for announcing where ceremonies were take place and what events would occur during them
  • had power to replace or remove curses
  • dominant feminine energy in the spiritual sphere helped o ensure that women were respected in society.

  • lack of political will to provide woman with equal access to education
  • woman were not allowed education because it would make them "too independent" and not allow them to properly tend to their family and home.
  • poor family's first provide the male child with the opportunities to claim whatever education is available
  • The drop out rate in Tanzania was half for girls ages twelve to fourteen leaving school because of pregnancy.
  • woman were taught how to care for the home and children, and how to preserve the beauty of girlhood.

Bridal Marriage Traditions
  • arranged marriages are common. Usually the family's will arrange who their children will marry.
  • in Egypt the bride gets henna tattoos with religious symbols on their hands and feet
  • In Kenya an older woman teaches the bride how to satisfy her husband. She will hide under their bed incase and unexpected problem arises.
  • Polygamous marriages are common in Niger
  • in Igbo weddings traditionally an elder presents a "Ofo" (a wooden stick) to the couple that symbolizes unity, truth, and indestructibility.

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